Welcome to the Croker Fire Drill Corporation's All Hazards Mobile Application for 660 Fifth Avenue.

This app can be made resident on your mobile device. Use the device "Add to Home Screen" feature to add the icon to your screen. The app will be accesible at any time.

This new, more universal app format, may also be viewed on both Apple and Android-based mobile devices.

The app can also be viewed on tablet devices and desktop computers. Create a bookmark or shortcut to the app URL on the desktop window.

This application, designed specifically for your property, explains the necessary steps that the Building Staff should perform, in the event of different emergency incidents to try to ensure the safety of the greatest number of Building Occupants. It was designed to be an emergency action management tool. As you most likely are already aware, on the “Start Menu" there are six different “icons," which will link you to different sections of the All Hazard Application.

In order to navigate within this electronic application, simply tap the specific “icon" as shown in the “Start Menu" to be directed to that topics particular section. Each one of these “icons" is then broken down within it's section to ensure easier access to the assorted information that is grouped in that category. Located at the upper right and left corner of the screen there are two buttons entitled "BACK" and "MENU" respectively. At any point when browsing through the reference information, if you would like to be brought back to the main six icons simply tap the upper right hand button entitled "MENU". However, if you do not want to be brought back to the Start Menu and simply want to navigate back to the previous page, tap the "BACK" button found on the upper left side of the screen.

The first icon is titled INCIDENTS RESPONSE ACTIONS. CROKER'S EAP APP lists twenty-six different possible emergency scenarios and gives detailed instructions as to the necessary responsibilities and actions that each Emergency Staff Member must perform in an effort to mitigate the effects of an incident, should one occur. Also, at the very top of each incident it will read "Tap Here to call 911." This link will immediately connect you to 911 when using this application on a phone device. Please remember, in the event of an emergency ALWAYS call 911 first (except in the event of Elevator Entrapment).

Within each individual incident, there is a list of three active icons links:

To view a comprehensive list of ALL actions to be taken in the event the Emergency arises, scroll down the main incident screen.

EAP IMPLEMENTATION ANNOUNCEMENTS is another of the principle icons located on the Main Menu. CROKER'S EAP APP has divided the four EAP Announcements: Shelter-In-Place, In-Building relocation, or Evacuation, as well as the All-Clear Announcement to be made when the situation has been diffused and the property is deemed safe into their own links within this section. This enables uncomplicated access in the event of an emergency. Within each separate announcement, there is a link to the Building’s Floor Plans to facilitate quick access especially when implementing an In-Building Relocation or Evacuation.

Another icon located on the "Start Menu" is the BUILDING SPECIFIC INFORMATION for your property. In this section you will find the following:

* When viewing the Emergency Contacts on a smartphone or tablet, you will be able to email and/or call the contacts straight from the directory when you have an established internet/phone connection. However, there may be emergency situations that would impair those connections. To ensure that the Emergency Contact Information is always accessible the Building Specific information also contains Offline Directories for the Tenants, Staff, Vendors and Agencies which will ensure that the Emergency Contact Information will always be available, whether or not there is an internet/phone connection. Therefore, if an emergency has occurred that has damaged or hindered the internet/phone connection instead of trying to access the Emergency Contact links -- click on the Offline Directory for the specific Contact field that you are looking for to view the necessary information. Please note that if there is no internet/phone connection you will not be able to email or call the contacts shown.

There is also a section dedicated solely to the BUILDING FLOOR PLANS that will open to show a list of all Floors in the property, which will allow for this information to be immediately accessible at any point and time. Here you will find routes of egress as well as all shaded In-Building Relocation areas.

When viewing the information found in the Building Specific Information and Building Floor Plans the document will open immediately below the button selected. To return to the incident information, use the "BACK" button at the top left of the screen.

Within ADDITIONAL RESOURCES, CROKER'S EAP APP provides different handouts collected from training sessions they have attended that are related to scenarios found in this All Hazard Application. These handouts help give a physical description for the Building Staff on suspicious behavior or items that they should be aware of because of there potential threat.

To navigate between the different icons and maneuver within the application is quite straightforward. Simply click on the desired icon and that section's information will be immediately displayed. There will be links within some of the sections that will enable you to maneuver within that specific section and view all necessary information. The "MENU" and "BACK" buttons will always be available. To be brought back to the Start Menu at any time, merely click the button on the upper right corner of the screen entitled "MENU". The "BACK" button on the upper left will return you to the previous page that you were viewing. Once in that category, the same rules that apply when using a regular web browser will also apply here. Meaning, the back and forward buttons located on your browser can also be used to navigate within the application.