The intent of this policy is to develop a procedure that places emphasis on the safety of Building Occupants and Building Staff. Initially, this will be accomplished by making the proper Notifications, Evacuating the immediate area, and redirecting pedestrians to an alternative Exit.

The extinguishment of the Car Fire should only be attempted if the fire is minor, and the proper ABC (All Purpose) Fire Extinguisher is readily available.

The probability of a Car Fire in a Parking Garage is generally low. Fires will usually be confined to the vehicle in which they originate and extension from car to car is rare. Explosion or rupture of fuel tanks as a result of a car fire is also unlikely. Sprinkler Systems are not likely to extinguish a Car Fire but will limit the burning of tires, exterior paint, and plastic body parts to some degree. Property damage from Car Fires in Garages is generally limited to the car of origin and loss of life and injuries are not expected, as the vehicle is usually not occupied.

The initial Building Staff Response and Fire Alarm sequence of operation is normally the same as for a Fire on an Occupied Floor: the Fire Department will be notified, Elevators will be recalled to the Street Level, Exhaust Fans will be activated, and Announcements will be made.